Living Painting with Clock (30x45cm mixed media painting on canvas with clock)

The wallclock of glass, gold and light in a wooden house. (earth, metal, fire, wind, water, poetry, movement, stillness)
(german mechanism, 12K gold, phosphorescent painting, motion sensor led light)

30x30cm wall clock painting

Living Modeled and Painted Clock (~ 12x15cm desk/wall clock) - Not Available

Living Painting with Clock (25x25cm  mixed media painting on canvas with clock & moon/sun hands)

Living Painting with Clock (drawing/painting on paper/cardboard with clock)

The clock with the paintings (70x40cm wood frame with clock and paintings) - Not Available

Living Painting with Clock (25x25 cm acrylics on cardboard with clock) - Not Available

Living Painting with Clock (30x30cm acrylics with clock)

"Broken" (40x40cm painting on woodboard with clock mechanism and other pieces)

Living Painted Glass Clock with CD - Not Available

Living Painting Plexiglass Clock with CD

Living painting with clock

Pendulum Wall Clock with Music Chimes  (automatic set by radio clock signal)

Living paintings with clock and music box "Blue Danube" (N/A) and "White Christmas"

Painted Wood Clocks

Living Painting with Musicbox (10x12cm painting)

Living Painting with Musicbox  (20x20cm painting on canvas and mechanical music mechanism)

Living painting with musicbox
Living painting with music box - "the unfinished painting"
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